end to end business process 端到端业务流程
average end-to-end delay 平均端到端延迟
End to End 端到端; 头尾相接; 衔接; 端对端; 首尾相连
End -to -end 端到端
end to end acknowledgement 端对端应答
end to end anastomosis 端端吻合术
end to end call manager 端对端呼叫管理器
end to end checksum 端对端核对和
end to end circuits 端对端电路
end to end communication 端对端通信
End to End Congestion Control 端端拥塞控制
end to end connection 端到端连接
end to end control 端到端控制; 端对端控制
end to end control layer 端对端控制层
End to End Delay 端到端的延迟; 端到端延时; 端到端时延; 端端延迟
end to end encryption 端到端加密; 端对端加密
end to end flow control 端对端流量控制
End to end joint sleeves of rotor 转子并头套
end to end management 端到端管理